Proven Marketing Techniques to Grow a Therapy Practice

by Garrett Nafzinger

Starting a new therapy practice can feel overwhelming. Using proven marketing techniques can help you establish and grow your practice effectively.

Build Your Website

The website for your therapy practice will likely be the first impression a prospective client gets, so it needs to be user-friendly, professional, and search engine optimized.

Best Practices for a Therapist Website

  • Service/Specialty Pages: Create separate pages for each of your specialties or services. Share why you chose the specialty, your approach, and what the client can expect. For example, if you love working with couples, create a page about Couples Therapy. Talk about why couples counseling is important, what it can bring to a relationship, and how you help couples overcome challenges.
  • Strong Bio: Highlight your qualifications and expertise, but also share what you are passionate about. Acknowledge potential clients and their struggles. Offer reassurance and warmth. Consider recording a casual 60-90-second introduction video for extra impact.
  • Contact Information: Include a contact form, email, and phone number to make it simple for clients to reach you.
  • Testimonials: With HIPAA compliance in mind, share feedback from former classmates, colleagues, or friends to build trust and credibility.
  • Mobile-Friendly Design: Ensure your website looks good and functions well on mobile devices.

Improving your website’s visibility is possible with an understanding of search engine optimization (SEO) principles or by collaborating with an SEO expert. If you want to go it alone, consider learning more about keyword research and how to build an effective website. Regularly analyze and update your content to speak to and help your audience. Doing so can positively impact your organic ranking in search engines.

Defining Your Ideal Client

Understanding and defining your ideal client can make your marketing and branding easier. Do you prefer working with individuals, couples, young adults, older adults, or specific demographics? Initially, you might need to take on clients who aren’t your ideal clients to grow your business. Over time, you can focus more on attracting your preferred clientele.

Sign Up for Online Directories

Listing your therapy services on directories like Psychology Today and Google My Business can increase your practice’s visibility and attract new clients. These directories often rank well on search engines and drive traffic to your profile, helping potential clients find and book with you.

Even though SEO for your practice site will take time, directories often rank well in Google and are a great starting point. Try some Google searches, such as “therapist in [insert city here]“. Note which directories show up on the first page of Google and get your practice listed there. Even if there is a fee, it will often pay for itself over time.

Encourage Referrals

Referrals are one of the best ways to get new clients. Encourage satisfied clients to refer others. Consider offering a free consultation to new clients.

Develop a Content Strategy & Blog

Starting a blog can be a powerful way to attract clients and improve your SEO. Focus on a few key topics related to mental health and therapy. Cover various aspects and levels of detail about these topics to build topical authority with search engines and potential clients. Going deep on a handful of topics is more effective than skimming the surface of dozens.

Integrate with Social Media

Promote your blog content through social media channels to reach a broader audience. Sharing your blog posts on platforms like Facebook and Instagram drives traffic to your website and establishes you as an authority in your field. This combination of blogging and social media can enhance your online presence and effectively engage potential clients.

Engage in Community Activities

Engaging with your local community can be a fantastic strategy for expanding your professional reach. By providing mini-sessions or delivering informative talks at community and local health centers, you can establish trust and increase visibility for your practice within the community.

Engagement Ideas

  • Volunteer to Facilitate Support Groups: Facilitate support groups for family members of people with dementia, individuals dealing with sobriety, etc.
  • Join Local Organizations: Become a member of local chambers of commerce or professional associations dedicated to mental health or community.
  • Attend Events: Participate in monthly social and networking events to meet potential clients and referral sources.
  • Collaborate with Local Businesses: Offer services or collaborate on community events.

Set a Budget for Your Marketing

Marketing isn’t cheap, but it’s essential for building your business. There should be a measurable return on investment over time. Your marketing budget and costs will vary depending on desired website functionality, the number of therapists in your practice and your goals.

Sample Marketing Budget

Expense CategorySolo PracticeMulti-Person Practice
Website Design & Build$3,000$6,000 to $20,000
SEO Services$500/month$1,000 to $6,000/month
Online Directories$500/year$1,500/year
Community Events$50/month$150/month

Stay involved with your marketing plan and adjust your approach as necessary.

For help with building your website, SEO, or Google Ads management and optimization, contact Garrett Digital.