Online Appointment & Scheduling Setup

Why Online Scheduling Matters

Managing appointments can be a hassle with endless back-and-forths. Online scheduling lets new and existing clients book directly based on your availability, saving you time and cutting down on admin work.

Our Services

EHR Software Integration

We set up online scheduling using Electronic Health Records (EHR) software, perfect for healthcare providers. This ensures HIPAA compliance and keeps patient info secure.


  • Real-time availability updates
  • Automated appointment reminders
  • Secure patient information handling (HIPAA compliant)
  • Integration with existing EHR systems

Calendly or Scheduling Software Configuration

Calendly and similar tools are great for various businesses. We customize a scheduling solution to fit your needs.


  • Easy calendar integration (Google, Outlook, etc.)
  • Customizable scheduling rules
  • Automated email and SMS reminders
  • Options for group and one-on-one meetings

Square Appointments Setup

Square Appointments is ideal for small businesses needing a strong booking system. It offers a fixed monthly price, avoiding high booking fees.


  • Online booking and calendar management
  • Client appointment history tracking
  • Integrated payment processing
  • Mobile app for on-the-go management

Case Study: Coastal Charters

Coastal Charters, a fishing charter in Port Aransas, Texas, needed a cost-effective booking solution. Traditional platforms charged 7-15% of each trip’s booking price. We switched them to Square Appointments, reducing their booking costs with a fixed monthly fee.


  • Cost Savings: Lower booking fees mean more revenue.
  • Efficiency: Simplified booking for customers.
  • Control: Better control over scheduling and customer management.

Why Choose Garrett Digital?


We have extensive experience setting up online scheduling systems across industries. Our team ensures a seamless setup tailored to your business needs.

Custom Solutions

Every business is unique. We provide personalized configurations, ensuring the chosen scheduling tool integrates smoothly with your existing systems.

Experience with Multiple Platforms

We work with various booking platforms, such as EHR software, Calendly, and Square Appointments, to find the best solution for you.

Ongoing Support

Our support doesn’t end with setup. We offer continuous assistance to keep your scheduling system running smoothly, whether you need troubleshooting or further customization.

Get Started Today

Ready to streamline your appointment scheduling? Contact Garrett Digital to discuss your needs and get a customized online scheduling solution.